The Software Solution for Merchandise Allocations
If your chain has less than 200 stores, then read on.
This software was made specifically for chains under 200 stores that do not want
the expense or bother of the larger allocation packages. Allocation Factor was
designed specifically for you and priced accordingly.
Allocation Factor is the software solution for those retail chains that need to allocate goods
to its stores in an intelligent and efficient manner.
Although it can be used by a wide variety of chain store organizations to streamline the
allocation process, it is especially helpful to those chains dealing with apparel and
It is no longer necessary to manually allocate goods on a paper form or computer
spreadsheet. Through the use of proprietary algorithms and criteria you define, Allocation Factor quickly
allocates even the oddest lot of goods to your stores in an intelligent and reasonable
Once the software knows your store list and your class (category)
list, it then has the base information it needs to assist you in the allocation of goods.
- Your store list.
- Your class list. (Or you can specify one general
Not necessary but helpful:
- Your plan for the season for each store.
- Minimum quantity you will allow a store to receive of a style's color
for each class; broken down by store.
- Maximum quantity you will allow a store to receive of a style's size
by color for each class; broken down by store.
When it is time to allocate a shipment, you will need to do the
- Enter the bulk quantity for each color and size for a particular
style of goods.
- Select the stores or groups of stores you wish to receive these
In most cases, you will probably take the quantity information
directly from the manufacturer's (vendor's) packing slip or your warehouse receiving
It may sound complicated but it is actually extremely simple.
Once the software knows your store list and your class (category) list you are ready to
For each merchandise style you wish to allocate, Allocation Factor has five
(5) methods of allocation to choose from:
Manual Allocation: The Manual Allocation method works similar to a spreadsheet. After
entering the quantity information for the goods you want to allocate and selecting the
stores you want to receive the goods, the program presents you with a blank spreadsheet
for you to manually allocate the goods.
If you are currently doing your allocations on a
spreadsheet or a large sheet of paper, this method of allocation will seem more familiar
to you. Unlike a spreadsheet program, Allocation
Factor is designed specifically for allocations and
as such contains many features to make allocating goods easy. For instance, by
highlighting a store and pressing one key, you can quickly toggle between a complete view
of the allocation by color (broken down by store and size) to a detail view of the
allocation by store (broken down by color and size.)
Even Allocation: The Even Allocation method has the same
interface as the Manual Allocation method. An Even Allocation will take the bulk
quantities that you entered and attempt to allocate exactly the same quantities per
size to each and every store selected. In other words, every store will get the same exact
quantity breakdown.
If there are not enough red petite pajamas, for
example, to give to every store selected, then no stores will get red petite pajamas.
The quantities for these and other excess goods are not allocated. You are then able to
give out the unallocated goods manually to any of the stores. Each store's allocation can
be manually edited.
Equal Allocation: The Equal
Allocation method is similar to the Even Allocation method and has the same interface. The
Equal Allocation will allocate to each store, an equal total quantity of goods for each
style's color as specified by you at the time of allocation. When you run an Equal
Allocation the program will ask you to specify a quantity. This quantity determines the
exact quantity of goods to give to each store for each color. If you specified the
quantity as 12 then each selected store will get a total of 12 for each color within the
style being allocated. The quantity by size may vary, but the total quantity by color will
not. If there are not enough goods to give each store 12, then some stores will not
be allocated any within that color. Each store's allocation can be manually edited.
Weighted Allocation: The
Weighted Allocation method is the most powerful of the allocation methods. It will attempt
to give out all the quantities to all the stores. It is the only method of the five that
uses additional criteria that you, the user, have defined. Such as, the plan, minimums and
size limits.
It also has the same interface as the previous three methods and, although it
intelligently allocates the goods based on the parameters you set forth, you are still
able to manually edit the allocation for each store.
Saved Allocation: The Saved
Allocation method is a quick and easy way to allocate goods based on previously saved
allocations. Each saved allocation can be used as a template for your new allocation. You
can also use this method to rework an incomplete allocation that you had saved to finish
at a later time.
Allocation Factor is very
simple to use. It was specifically designed for chains of up to 200 stores that are not in
the need for burdensome detailed planning; but are in need for the most powerful, quickest
and easy to use allocation tool available. There is virtually no learning curve because
the software is completely intuitive. There is no need for expensive training classes and
there is no need for you to have or to buy an additional database server. It is not
necessary for us to have a salesperson hard sell you on our product;
Allocation Factor sells itself.
Allocation Factor
includes Import and Export functions to allow data exchange
with other applications.
Smaller Chains will now be able to enjoy
the same benefits as the larger Chains.
Copyright 1997-2024 Factor,
Allocation Factor is a trademark of Factor, LLC. All rights reserved.